Sizing Charts
Hoodie Sizing
This chart helps customers determine which size hoodie would fit them best based on their measurements. The measurements we provide include the circumference of the chest or 'Bust" (around the fullest part), the "Length" from the shoulder to the bottom hem, the width, which measures the distance from "shoulder" to shoulder and finally your "height" (how tall you are) in cm.
One Size Fits All!
This diagram provides an approximate range for the sleeve circumference, length from the shoulder, and sleeve length for a one size fits all blanket hoodie.
T-Shirt Sizing
This chart helps customers determine which size hoodie would fit them best based on their measurements. The measurements we provide include the circumference of the chest or 'Bust" (around the fullest part), the "Length" from the shoulder to the bottom hem, the width, which measures the distance from "shoulder" to shoulder and finally your "height" (how tall you are) in cm.